• There are healthier and happier families as a result of healthy living, safe drinking water, and healthier cooking environments
  • Most community members refuse to drink any water unless they are sure that it has been pasteurized or treated, therefore, less incidences of water borne diseases
  • Grandparent harvest

    Grandparent with her sorghum harvest

    The grandparents and vulnerable children have improved food in their households as a result of having been given certified seeds to plant and having been given sukuma wiki seeds which were planted for them in multi storey gardens. They are also taught to plant the gardens on their own.




Grandparents' harvest

Grandparents with their harvest

  • Many grandparents can now read and see small things. Many are able to sew their own clothes, read messages in their phones and especially when they receive money by M-Pesa Money Transfer, they do not have to ask someone to check for them. They can read their Bibles and newspapers and take notes at meetings. They are happy about this
  • Grandparent families are able to send their granddaughters to High School, a task which was almost impossible before. The girls  are happy with the reading materials provided by FOTO. They are able to read story books to improve their grammar and spoken English. They also enjoy gifts sent by their sponsors including pocket money.


  • More safe water packages to the senior citizens: there are over four thousand senior citizens in Nyakach and so far, we have been able to reach just about 1500. Therefore there is still great need.
  • More certified seeds to improve food security, especially to the senior citizens and green houses in every location to help train the community on benefits of farming for sustainability
  • We have a small Library that carters mainly for the girls in our program. FOTO would like to have a big, well stocked Library that would be used by the entire Lower Nyakach people including the elderly. The school children would be most advantaged to use the Library for studies. It would also have a community Resource Centre wing.
  • Market for finished products. We make baskets, Fire less baskets used for finishing up cooking, solar cooking and other products.